Thursday, June 7, 2007

Your exhibition

So, we started the year with a big push by you guys to get the end of year off site show happening - very proactive. So where is it at? Do you still want one?

The second semester will be here soon - ill give you my suggestions................a show of you work intermingled with the cars at a leading car dealership............Think VW, Audi,BMW,Ferrari.
Or your work in the windows of the shops down Queen St...... Smith and Caughey et al.

things to think about:

why do it?

when to do it?

who of you are involved?

who's coming?

What happens after it?

Happy thinking - I challenge each of you to come up with one good idea by the end of next week.

Design Mobel

The first prototype of the bed designed in the Design Mobel/Unitec creative workshop will soon be finished. The design will be shown at the opening of Design Mobel's first store which opens next month in Wellington.
Once I have pictures of the prototype, I'll post them up on this blog.
keep watching.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Concept Night

Hi guys,

It was fantastic to see everyone there supporting our fundraising event and making the Concept night a great success! (even for a Thursday night!!) We would like to thank everyone who helped out with the planning/organising, participants and sponsors Carrington's and Biggie. Last but not least, we would like to thank our great model - Frances Bell who looked amazing on the flyers/tickets, Rob for getting the Durex goods, the Dj's Scotty (DJ Zenith) and Co (HtheHF), the bands HRA and Moonlight Drive - featuring our own Antony Clark and David Gargulio representing BProd, making us proud and the lecturers and technician who showed their support - Roger Bateman, Oliver Kraft, Paulus Maringka and John 'Harry' Redwood.

More photos can be seen on or ask someone in the class. Im sure nearly everyone has them. If you've got photos that we don't have please hook us up.

Look out for our next event for mid-semester 2 break: Development 2007!! this time it'll be on a Friday or Saturday and will be BIGGER AND BETTER! like Bhavesh

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Design Mobel

Well done to those of the group who worked on the designs ideas for Design Mobel a few weeks ago. Those of you who were in Dan's group can take a whoop of delight as the design that came out of his group is going to be prototyped. Ill keep you posted when I know more.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Concept 007

Hey everyone,
3rd year Product is having a product party, this thursday the 3rd of may from 6.30pm till late at Carringtons.
It's to raise money for our final year exhibition.
Its $10 and includes a free drink. There will also be prizes on the night. Tickets avaiable from the 3rd year product room
Live bands and DJ's.
Help support your fellow students
Hope to see you all there (even the lecturers!!)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Design Mobel Creative Workshop

Leaving Unitec at 6.00am wasn't everyones idea of fun, nor was the 3.5hr drive down to Tauranga, but there wasnt much choice if we were going to make the best of the day ahead.

Arriving at 9.30 at Design Mobel, we started work at 10.00 with a tour of the workshop facilities.

The workshop began in earnest at about 11.00. We worked through a serise of exercises in groups of 3 or 4 begining with wide and open questions slowly refining our answers until each group had something to share.

The exercises began with word definitions then moved to observation and pictorial association ending with design drawing and idea generation.

Finishing at 5.oopm we were met with the promise from DM that they would decide which of the final 2 designs they preferred and that they would being prototyping immediately.

Design Mobel Creative Workshop

Design Workshop – Design Mobel- 20.04.2007.

An idea is just idea it is only when an idea is worked upon, usually with others, and that idea makes its way off the table and into production that is becomes a ‘true’ design.

I share with you because I hope that you all realise that as designers you are able to generate many (good) ideas. Idea generation shouldn’t be a problem (good) designers face. Arguably the question is not about ideation it’s about:

who’s going to make your ideas, where are they going to make them and how are they going to sell them.

So what is one of the most valuable lessons you take away from this?.......the answer..... design is about building relationship, mastering connections.

The chance to ‘jam’ with Design Mobel offers you a multi faceted opportunity, and probably the biggest opportunity, that is after having seen the factory, possibly got your name into workshop associated publicity, seen how a professional respected design team work and had a damn good day is making a personal connection with Design Mobel, one that might prove to be vital in the future.

So why do I choose to set this down on paper for you? Well it’s very important that you don’t see your success as a designer pegged to how many ideas you generate. Sure IP protection can be essential but my advice to you is spend a lot of your time generating connections, getting to know people and then you have much more chance of getting you ideas into production by the right company and knowing that who you are working with, you can trust.

You have chosen to participate in the DM workshop this Friday. Make sure you get the most out of it for you. Ask the right questions, look and look again and above all communicate and make that connection.


Notes from Anastasia:

Design Mobel's latest design project "new heritage" is looking for creative minds to join our design team in a one day 'creative workshop' on Friday 20th April 2007.

This will include activities such a factory tour, brainstorming and design exploration in both 2D and 3D. We will also provide lunch and refreshments on the day.

Design Mobel is committed to the commercialisation of this product and with your approval your involvement will be acknowledge as part of the design team in all marketing material.

This is a great opportunity for design students or graduates to have a closer look at a New Zealand based furniture design and manufacturing company. As well taking part in a design process workshop.

Thank you for accepting the invitation to be part of our design team for the day we look forward to meeting and working with you all. This is just a quick email to get you in the right headspace for Friday's creative session.

Here are some keys words for the 'new heritage' project:

Colonial New Zealand
Culture and People

Monday, April 23, 2007


We wont look like these guys, but we will be just as popular...
