Hi guys,
It was fantastic to see everyone there supporting our fundraising event and making the Concept night a great success! (even for a Thursday night!!) We would like to thank everyone who helped out with the planning/organising, participants and sponsors Carrington's and Biggie. Last but not least, we would like to thank our great model - Frances Bell who looked amazing on the flyers/tickets, Rob for getting the Durex goods, the Dj's Scotty (DJ Zenith) and Co (HtheHF), the bands HRA and Moonlight Drive - featuring our own Antony Clark and David Gargulio representing BProd, making us proud and the lecturers and technician who showed their support - Roger Bateman, Oliver Kraft, Paulus Maringka and John 'Harry' Redwood.
More photos can be seen on www.Biggie.co.nz or ask someone in the class. Im sure nearly everyone has them. If you've got photos that we don't have please hook us up.
It was fantastic to see everyone there supporting our fundraising event and making the Concept night a great success! (even for a Thursday night!!) We would like to thank everyone who helped out with the planning/organising, participants and sponsors Carrington's and Biggie. Last but not least, we would like to thank our great model - Frances Bell who looked amazing on the flyers/tickets, Rob for getting the Durex goods, the Dj's Scotty (DJ Zenith) and Co (HtheHF), the bands HRA and Moonlight Drive - featuring our own Antony Clark and David Gargulio representing BProd, making us proud and the lecturers and technician who showed their support - Roger Bateman, Oliver Kraft, Paulus Maringka and John 'Harry' Redwood.
More photos can be seen on www.Biggie.co.nz or ask someone in the class. Im sure nearly everyone has them. If you've got photos that we don't have please hook us up.
Look out for our next event for mid-semester 2 break: Development 2007!! this time it'll be on a Friday or Saturday and will be BIGGER AND BETTER! like Bhavesh